
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Contribution
Physical Name : TR_CNTRBTN

A gift of money, merchandise, time or other valuable resource to a charitable organization.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ContributionID (PK) Token ID for a Donation instance. ID_CNTRBTN Identity integer
ContributionTypeCode Indicates the nature of thecontribution. Examples include: MATCHED - customer contribution is matched by the retailer or another party UNMATCHED - customer contribution is an indepdent donation The values assigned to this attribute are determined by the retailer based on its specific approach to handling customer donations. CD_DNTN_TYP Code6 char(6)
CustomerID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for a person or organization that purchases a product or service from the retailer. ID_CT Identity integer Customer(PA_CT)
ContributionTriggerTypeCode Owned attribute that explains why customer made donation (triggering event or action) CD_CNTRBTN_TRGR_TYP Code varchar(20)
CharityID (FK) Token ID for a charity recipient. ID_CNTRBTN_RCPNT Identity integer Charity(PA_DNTN_RCPNT)
DonationProcessorID (FK) Token identifier for a party that accepts and handles the accounting for donations to a charity. The DonationProcessor is a third party that is separate from the retailer, customer and charity. ID_DNTN_PCSR Identity integer DonationProcessor(PA_DNTN_PCSR)
ContributionMonetaryValueAmount Money contributed amount MO_CNTRBTN_VL MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ContributionPointsCount Points contributed count QU_CNTRBTN_PTS QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
CustomerAccountID (FK) A unique identifier for a customer account. ID_CTAC Identity integer CustomerDonationAccount(LE_CT_DNTN_ACNT)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerDonationAccount aggregates for reporting Contribution
Customer donates Contribution
DonationProcessor accepts and accounts for Contribution
Charity is intended receipient of Contribution
Contribution is recorded through DonationLineItem

Logical Views containing Contribution

Logical View
Logical 02341 - Retail Transaction - Change for Charities View